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What makes a good 529 plan?

Investment options: Each 529 plan offers its own investment options. The best 529 plans will provide a variety of options to fit your goals and risk tolerance. Fees: Most 529 plans have an expense ratio -- a small percentage fee based on the amount of assets under management. Some also have other types of fees, such as annual maintenance fees.

Should I use a 529 college savings plan?

Using a 529 college savings plan when saving for future education expenses can be an attractive option, as investments in the plan grow tax-free. You can learn more about 529 college savings plans and how to start saving in our 529 guide. 10 plans were upgraded and seven were downgraded.

Are 529 plans right for You?

“Individuals saving for college have many ways to save for their planned education expenses, but 529 plans are definitely the biggest component for education funding right now,” says Holt. And combing through the wealth of options before applying can be daunting.

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